Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Going bananas?

Mom has a barky little Pekinese named Buddy that keeps her constant company. She adores him, but occasionally gets aggravated when he barks at strangers. "Next time I'll get a cat," she threatens him.

I was washing her hair today, and when done, had her bend over so that I could get her hair wrapped up in a towel. She was yakking away about Buddy's barking, and said, "you know what I want after Buddy?"

A cat, yes, I knew it was going to be a cat, but I bit anyway, and asked her what she wanted.

Dead serious, from underneath her towel, she yelled "A monkey."

Taken off guard, I guffawed right in her face.

She defended herself: "Monkeys have to eat too. Plus, they don't bark."

Hm. I think her new book may have just backfired on me. If you have a box full of Monkeys free to a good home...please don't call us.